Chalo Koi Baat Nahi is a sketch comedy show that gives a satirical twist to a streak of issues and challenges faced by the common people, on an everyday basis. The show consists of 6 episodes, where each episode showcases different pillars of modern India such as Sports, Hospitals, Media, Education, Bollywood, Environment, and Marriage among others.

For this Title Sequence the idea was to tell a story of a common man going through multiple different struggles of life and how he eventually becomes blind to all of it. Keeping in mind the theme and the treatment of the show we decided to have a hand drawn sketch-like treatment for the animation with bright and lively colors to convey the satirical message of the show.

Creative Director: Jishnu Chatterjee
Editor: Siddharth Kapoor
Lead 2D Animator: Arkaprabha Dey
2D Animation Team: Sagar Kulkarni, Deedhiti Paul Choudhury, Roshan Wajela
3D Animator: Devanshu Tak
Lead Compositor: Vrajesh Pithadiya


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